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Week 4 with the girls

We spent week four with the girls in NYC with Dabba and Bapu. Nana had to leave on Friday to head back to her final weeks at work (she's retiring after 38 years at her school) and Dabba and Bapu came to continuing the grandparent support :) We spent the week hanging out with the girls and working on a few projects for the apartment and really getting it ready to start showing it. We were spoiled with home cooked meals and really good wine, which was so appreciated! Other activities for the week included taking Delaney to get an ultrasound of her hip to make sure it was growing properly. Apparently, any breach baby (which Delaney was) is required to get an ultrasound of their hip between 4-6 weeks to make sure it's growing properly. The good news is her hip was just fine. We also had to take the girls to their first month check-up about a week early since we would be up in Maine on their one month birthday. Both girls had grown - Delaney weighed 8 pounds 4.4 (31%) and was 59% for height. Payton weighed 7 pounds 7.4 ounces (12%) and was 39% for height. Each girl put on about 1 pound, which was awesome considering the appointment was a week before their official one month birthday!

On Sunday, we had to pack up the entire apartment and drove up to Maine. It was quite a lot of work to pack up the apartment to start showing it and thank goodness Dabba and Bapu were there; I really don't know what we would have done had they not been there. The drive up to Maine was relatively easy - Tyler drove our car and I drove the rental mini van - but getting settled was a lot of work. We did a major addition to our house (more details on that soon!) and all of our stuff needed to be unpacked and organized. We arrived around 10pm and within 10 minutes of getting to the house, Logan managed to throw up all over his brand new room and then woke up in the middle of the night :( It was a long first night and first full day of unpacking and getting settled, but we managed to power through. Each day got a bit easier as everyone got settled in our new surroundings.

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