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Life with Logan these past few months

I have been absolutely terrible over the past 6 weeks (but really since December) of keeping this blog updated. Despite how practical and useful it is for me (meal planning, remembering key moments, Logan's milestones, etc.), I have done such a poor job of staying up to date with it. I've used my maternity leave as a crutch and said I'd get caught up once I'm on leave, which is this week :) So, I am setting a goal to get updated on the past 3 months and then keeping current once our little girls arrive.

As I mentioned in my post back in January, we had a slow start to the year as Mr. Logan was sick for 6 weeks and continued to throw up a few times a week (TMI). We couldn't quite figure out what was going on...the catalyst was his 18 month appointment when he had grown quite a bit (32.25 inches - 97%) but only gained 2 ounces (27.2 lbs. - 62%) in two months. Our doctor decided to put him on some acid reflux medicine and that seemed to do the trick. Because Logan had been on so many antibiotics, he was missing probiotics in his gut, which was causing the acid reflux. At any rate, once we started him on the medicine, he was back to normal and gained 1 pound in 2 weeks! He is now sleeping much, much better (7am-7pm) and has gone to one nap. He's been super happy and learning like a sponge and has so many new words! Here are some photos of him over the past few months.

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