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Highlights from October 2018

I am embarrassingly behind on catching up on this blog....This month proved to be something else with 4 straight weeks of travel to the west coast for work, performance reviews and 2019 planning all tossed in the mix. Needless to say, we made NO plans for the weekends :) My mom and Chris came the first weekend, which was great as Tyler and I were able to re-organize our bedroom while Logan got to chill with his grandparents. We enjoyed cooking at home, going out for our annual date night, had Matt (our dear friend from SF) come and visit, and spent the last weekend of October in Maine getting the house ready for the winter and our remodeling project.

This month felt like a big development month for Logan where he really started communicating a lot more both through his sign language and actually speaking, which is just so fun. His new words this month were:

  • Teeth - 10/15/2018 (then signed more for brushing his teeth)
  • All done - 10/17/2018
  • I did - 10/19/2018 (in response to us asking if he pooped, which was just hilarious!)
  • Cracker - 10/23/2018
  • Dirty - 10/23/2018
He loves to read and can spend hours sitting in your lap; he'll lean in to either give you a kiss or receive a kiss before you start reading to him, which is just the sweetest (thank you Tyler for teaching him this!) Tyler has also successfully taught Logan how to do a touchdown dance, which he just gets such a kick out of doing it. Logan also has a fondness for any coffee cup and will have a full meltdown if he can't have the cup - he literally just wants the empty cup! And he continues to LOVE playing catch; he's essentially a pitch-back machine and could spend hours throwing and attempting to catch.

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